Monday, November 21, 2011


Here is a guide to Temproot and downgrade any HTC Desire HD Gingerbread BuildThis method has been confirmed working for all DHD Gingerbread builds!

Temp Root:1. Enable USB debugging on your phone and place your phone on CHARGE ONLY (If this doesn't work, try choosing 'HTC Sync' when connecting USB)2. Download the DHD Downgrade folder and extract it to the root of your hard drive (usually this is the "C:\" drive on your COMPUTER.
3. Run the file named "RUN THIS FOR ROOT". A command prompt will open and will begin to do the adb steps for you.
Alternatively (If step 3 fails):1. Open a command prompt (right click "Run as Administrator" is using Vista or W7) and locate the downgrade folder (type "CD C:\DHDDowngrade" minus the quotes in CMD)2. Run the below commands (be sure to press enter after each line)adb push fre3vo /data/local/tmp adb shell chmod 777 /data/local/tmp/fre3voadb shell /data/local/tmp/fre3vo -debug -start FBB00000 -end FFFFFFFF

If the scan hangs, just reboot your DHD and start again.You may not get all the messages (due to flushing issues when we kill adb), but if you get kicked back to your system command prompt, try "adb shell" If you see '#' you successfully have temproot.

If you want to use Titanium Backup, you must do the following:1. Download Busybox, su & and Superuser.apk2. Run the following commands in CMD...
adb push /data/local/tmpadb push su /data/local/tmpadb push busybox /data/local/tmpadb shell chmod 777 /data/local/tmp/fixsu.shadb shell chmod 777 /data/local/tmp/suadb shell chmod 777 /data/local/tmp/busybox
3. Install Superuser.apk4. Install Titanium Backup from the Market5. Run the following commands in CMD:
adb shell# cd /data/local/tmp# ./
If you see...
rm failed for /system/bin/su Read-only file system
...ignore itYou can now use Titanium to backup all User Apps + Data (You can backup System apps too)If you don't want to go any further than rooting, and just want temproot to remove bloatware, you can also use Titanium backup to do that.Temproot will be enabled until phone is rebooted.Downgrade:1. Create a goldcard:
1. Format SDCard to FAT322. Download Goldcard Helper from Android Market3. Open Goldcard Helper with the SDCard in the phone, and you will see the mmc2 reverse CID
Note: Do not use the Copy feature in the app as this will copy the wrong CID!
Alternate to the Goldcard helper app:
1. Open up a command prompt (Windows Key + R, type "CMD", press enter)2. connect your phone as "charge only" and have usb debugging enabled3. navigate the command prompt to the downgrade folder.4. Type the following command:
adb shell cat /sys/class/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:*/cid
5. Select and copy the cid
4. Go to Enter your email address and the mmc2 reverse CID that is showing on the Goldcard Helper app then submit it6. The img file will be emailed to you, download and save it somewhere you will remember7. Download this hex editor - 8. Open HxD hex editor on your computer by right-clicking it and clicking 'Run as Administrator'9. Mount your SD card to your computer, preferably using a card reader but you can use your phone as well10. Go to 'Extra' menu > 'Open Disk'. Select Removable Disk (which should be your SD card) under Physical Disk (and NOT logical disk), uncheck 'Open as Readonly' and click OK11. Go to the 'Extra' > 'Open Disk Image' and open the goldcard image downloaded in Step 6. . Select '512 (Hard disks/Floppy disks)' as the sector size when prompted and click OK12. In the goldcard image tab, go to 'Edit' > 'Select All' and then 'Edit' >'Copy'13. In the 'Removable Disk' tab, highlight offset (line) 00000000 to offset (line) 00000170 including the 00000170 line and go to 'Edit' menu > 'Paste Write'14. Click 'File' > 'Save' and accept any warning that you get
2. Place the stock 1.32 on the root of your SDcard/Goldcard4. Open the file in the folder named "RUN THIS FOR DOWNGRADE". The command prompt will opn and begin to do the adb steps for you.
Alternatively (If step 4 fails):Run the below commands in CMD: adb push misc_version /data/local/tmpadb shell chmod 777 /data/local/tmp/misc_versionadb shell /data/local/tmp/misc_version -s 1.31.405.3 adb reboot bootloader
5. You should see a white bootloader screen, press the power button to enter the bootloader and it should automatically start to detect the file. 6. You will see a blue progress bar on the right of the screen while the file is being checked. You should now be asked to confirm if you want to install this ROM, press 'Volume Up' to confirm. Wait patiently while the ROM is installed.7. Once the installation is complete, press the 'power' button to restart your phone.You have successfully downgraded to stock 1.32.

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